Smart solutions for a responsive and profitable online store

Research indicates that the percentage of consumers who choose online shopping over physical stores is exponentially growing. Thus, creating an e-shop that focuses on an overall better user experience is a necessity for all e-shop administrators and owners who want to steal the spotlight in today’s highly competitive market.

In this article, we are going to explore five ways in which you can make your e-shop stand out!

1. Maintaining your online store’s flexibility

In the increasingly competitive eCommerce industry, flexibility and adaptability are key strategies. It’s important to stay up-to-date with the latest eCommerce trends and be willing to implement the appropriate changes and upgrades all across your online store.

As consumer behavior and preferences change over time, you need to be prepared to adapt your e-shop’s operations accordingly. Do not hesitate to try new tactics, as those who dare to take risks tend to become industry leaders!

2. Streamlining user experience

In the midst of a busy daily routine, consumers place a high value on their limited free time, so when making purchases, whether large or small, they are looking for an enjoyable and relaxing experience. In fact, complicated and non-responsive e-shops are one of the main reasons for shopping cart dropout

By investing in a fast, flexible and easy-to-use e-shop, you shall encourage your customers to not only make purchases but also to create a long-lasting bond with your brand.

3. Offering more with multiple payment methods

Another important factor in consumer convenience is the availability of payment methods.
In order to stand out among other e-shops, it is important to offer multiple options at checkout. In that way, you are able to cater to your customers’ needs in their entirety, while enhancing their overall shopping experience.

For example, in addition to the standard payment methods (providing your credit or debit card information), you can include alternative payment methods, such as PayByBank. One of the core benefits of PayByBank is that it offers multiple payment methods, meeting the need for absolutely secure online payments, as well as in-person payments.

4. Benefiting from automatization

In the bustling world of eCommerce, process automatization can be a powerful asset that saves time, while reducing costs. Today, technology has become an integral part of organizing and managing an online store, as it allows the automatization of a wide array of processes, including payment matching to customer, warehouse, product and cashier accounts.

PayByBank is becoming increasingly popular across the eCommerce landscape, by offering complete and comprehensive automation solutions. Connect PayByBank to your company’s ERP software, and relieve your staff of seemingly endless manual tasks!

5. The customer support network

Finally, creating a strong support network of direct and effective customer service can lead to a definitive difference in the success of your e-shop. An effective strategy is to offer multiple communication channels for your customers, such as live chat, email, phone support and social media funnels.

Try to respond to queries and complaints in a timely manner, as this will show that you value their time, interest, and utmost convenience. By ensuring prompt service to consumers, you will create bilateral customer relations that are built on trust and are reflected in the success of your e-shop.

In conclusion, with these smart solutions in your arsenal, you can make your e-shop more efficient, functional, and -above all- profitable! By keeping customer success as the cornerstone of your overall strategy, you shall set the foundation for long-term success in the competitive world of eCommerce.