Cashless transactions: What benefits do they offer?

In recent years, the way we handle transactions has undergone a significant shift, with cashless payment methods gaining traction. Many argue that we are on the path to a cashless society, as evidenced by Sweden’s recent ban on cash payments.

In Greece, while cash remains popular, more and more people are embracing online payment methods, as the benefits they offer are plentiful. Let’s explore why using online payment methods, like PayByBank automated bank deposit, surpasses traditional cash transactions.


How confident do you feel carrying cash, especially in large amounts? It’s a well-known fact that online transactions offer more security compared to cash, and there are several reasons for this.

Firstly, conducting transactions online significantly reduces the risk of theft, provided you make purchases on secure websites. Online transactions offer high levels of data encryption and authentication, thus protecting your personal data. If, however, you are hesitant to share your card details, you can conveniently opt for PayByBank automated bank deposit for your online transactions. Moreover, choosing online transactions ensures that all your activities are digitally documented. This makes it easier to track your expenses and minimizes the likelihood of errors.


Why stress about having cash when all you need is your mobile phone? With PayByBank, making transactions is as simple as a few taps on your screen, anywhere and anytime, even if you don’t have a debit or credit card.


Forget about waiting in bank queues or at ATMs. Conducting transactions online saves you valuable time by eliminating the need to withdraw cash. All you need is an internet connection and your e-banking credentials!