The benefits of integrating PayByBank into your e-shop

In the competitive landscape of e-commerce, businesses are constantly looking for ways to improve the user experience, streamline payment processes and, of course, increase conversion rate – converting more and more visitors into customers. Integrating PayByBank into an e-shop offers a plethora of benefits, including boosting conversions and reducing cart abandonment rate. Discover how you can upgrade your e-shop with PayByBank, driving it to long-term success!

Improve the shopping experience

With PayByBank, the checkout process is simplified. Your customers can complete their transactions directly from their bank account, eliminating the need for manual entry of card details or time-consuming payment forms. This simplified process makes it easier and faster to make purchases, helping to improve the overall user experience.

Increase in conversions

The PayByBank integration gives you the opportunity to appeal to a wider customer base, including those who prefer bank deposits over card payments, those who do not feel safe giving out their card details, and those who want to pay with cash. This accessibility opens up new markets and increases the chances of completing purchases.

Additionally, the automation of bank deposits through PayByBank makes the payment process faster than traditional payment methods. The e-shop is automatically notified of payment completion without the need to send a proof of payment, allowing for faster processing and fulfillment of orders. The immediacy of transactions encourages the completion of purchases, boosting overall conversion rate.

Reduction of cart abandonment

The absence of the desired payment methods, issues related to payment security, and a cumbersome and lengthy checkout are common causes of cart abandonment. With PayByBank, you can eliminate these obstacles by providing a fast, flexible and completely secure payment option, thus reducing the likelihood of cart abandonment.

By prioritising the above, you can promote the growth of your e-shop in the increasingly competitive digital landscape. Small moves, such as adopting innovative payment methods like PayByBank, not only enhance customer satisfaction, but also contribute to the functionality and profitability of your e-shop, leading to long-term success and sustainability.